I’m Jen, and I’m an Emotional Mastery Coach

I like to say I help people step into their “If I ever win the lottery” life, without ever needing a winning lottery ticket.

There is nothing I love more than to take people from a place where they feel exhausted, tight, controlled, scared, small, afraid to reach for their dreams, feeling limited possibility, unsure if they can have the life they dream of...

To a place where they are relaxed, full of pleasure, full of possibility, total liquid gold energy, moving through the world noticing all of the ways that the universe is conspiring to help them reach their wildest dreams, having all the amazing experiences they dream of - and then some.

My Story…

I used to run myself ragged trying to take care of everything and everyone, all the time. I felt like I had to achieve, like I had to constantly be in doing mode, like the whole world might crumble if I stopped trying to fix everything, if I ever put myself first…

I was so disconnected from my body, and my emotions — and you could see evidence of it everywhere in my life.

If you had asked me if I was happy, I probably would have said that I was, but in retrospect, I didn’t even know what happiness was. I was barely hanging on, moving through each day waiting until I could reach the glass of wine at the end of the night. Exhausted, burnt out, overwhelmed, I thought that this is just what life was — work, sleep, hustle, pay bills, clean the house, hang on for a few happy moments that shined through. Hang on, and wait… for what, I wasn't sure, but life had to get better at some point, right? Some day maybe, some magic moment would have to happen to suddenly bring some happiness and ease if I just… kept… working…


When asked what my greatest dreams in life were, I realized I had no idea how to answer it. I didn’t even know what I wanted anymore. The closest thing to a dream I had was getting a middle-management job in a company I hated, a position that would at least provide me with enough money to take a one week vacation with my daughter once a year where I might be able to find some happiness.

I was so disconnected from life — from the people I loved the most, from my joy, from my passion, from the possibilities of life, from my dreams, and mostly, from myself — because I was so disconnected from my emotions.

Feeling the fear, the pain, the grief, and the longing that was present under the surface was terrifying — but doing so changed everything. It connected me back to myself and opened the doors to life of my greatest dreams — no magic wand or winning lottery ticket required.

When I cultivated the skillset of emotional mastery, and implemented a new way of being into my life, everything changed.

My relationships got profoundly deeper. My confidence and self-trust rose. I developed an inner sense of safety and faith in the Universe. I started to own my desires, and then (shockingly!) I started to get them fulfilled! I learned to fight my inner critic “mean girl,” keep negative thoughts at bay, and stop self-sabotaging all the time.


I learned how to hold myself, all my emotions, and to move from a place of living, breathing embodiment of emotional mastery. And now I teach the art of emotional mastery to others, unlocking their potential, in love, in business, and in their lives.

About The Work…

I work in the field of emotional mastery and leadership, blending together psychological principles, somatic experiencing and a mix of coaching, facilitation and teaching, to support individuals to uncover and evolve into the healthiest versions of themselves in life and business. My greatest passion is supporting those within the helping professions in removing their trauma expressions and reactions from their business, so they can be better leaders.

My coaching is trauma-informed and based in person-centered and somatic experiencing models. I have a Masters in Science in Clinical Counseling and a certification in somatic coaching and leadership, and combine these with my extensive training with a lot of real-world experience in both life and business - to deliver firm but gentle coaching that is always based in love and compassion — with a solid backbone of truth.

The core of my coaching is Emotional Mastery

Emotional Mastery is Made Up Of:

Holding Your Emotions

When you can fully feel your emotions, without running away from them, suppressing them, or numbing them, and know that you are still safe, you have learned how to hold yourself through all of life’s ups and downs.

Trauma Resolution

Old wounds hold old emotions and continue old patterns. When we release and resolve past hurts and pain, we allow for new possibilities to come forward, and create more space inside ourselves for internal safety, trust, and resilience.


Boundaries protect what is important to us. They allow us the space to hold ourselves with love, compassion, and understanding, to stand not just for what we need, but for what we deserve and for what we most desire in life.

Healthy Communication

Expressing ourselves clearly without over-explaining, blaming, judging, or confusion is the key to success in all areas in life — and it starts with simply getting clear with your own thoughts, emotions, desires, and needs.