A 3 hour experiential workshop to help you slow down and process your year, release it, and turn it into the fuel your heart needs to keep going.


Can you even remember last January? Last March?

Our lives move so quickly these days, sometimes it's hard to even remember everything that happened over the course of a year.

But even if you do remember it, it's likely that you're not REALLY taking it all in.

That you're not giving yourself credit for how much you've done and accomplished and grown and changed and overcome.

We rarely ever do.

And yet, slowing down to take it all in, and to be present with all that happened, and to truly FEEL it...

Allows us to release all that happened

And to turn it all into the fuel that will grow us, and propel us to what is next.

We can't ever know what's waiting for us in the future.

We don't have control over outside circumstances.

But setting intentions, taking aim at internal growth, and reflecting on past lessons?

That is something that will serve you no matter what the world throws at you.

It's the ultimate way to fully capture all that challenged you, all that expanded you, and all that supported you, and to integrate all of it through your body.

And it's the very best way I know to support you to set yourself up for a year of making your dreams come true.

I invite you to join me for…

Let It Burn

I cannot wait to guide you through this experiential process of releasing, reflecting and celebrating this year, while grounding into your intentions for the new year.

It’s how I make sure to soak in all the good memories, fully feel the gratitude of what’s happened, and celebrate all my progress. It’s also how I grieve the painful moments came the losses, and let go of the hardships I faced.

A well lived life always has plenty of both.

It’s also how I get intentional about what’s next— what are my dreams, my goals, my greatest desires? What needs to be adjusted? What no longer needs to be learned, and can just be released?

Join me as I guide you through a gentle, restorative year review process. It’s such a gift to take this time for yourself. You will not regret doing so.

This process was the first thing I ever facilitated, and each year, it’s been my anchor point — my return to me.

May it be a call to return to yourself as well.

LET IT BURN: Workbook + Workshop


A 3 hour experiential workshop to help you slow down and process your year, release it, and turn it into the fuel your heart needs to keep going.

My annual end of year ritual is designed to help you level up and expand your capacity to be able to do bigger and greater things and live a life that feels extraordinary - by looking at what there is to celebrate and what there is to let go.

Your purchase includes both a gorgeous 40 page workbook  to go through separately, to help you process and release everything from last year and set powerful intentions for 2024, and a live workshop (recorded & available at any time for those who cannot make it live) facilitated by Jen to release emotions and plan an extraordinary new chapter.

Join Jen live on Wednesday 29th December, 5pm-8pm MT


Join today and get ready to Let It Burn…



Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is a self study course, so you will progress through it on your own, at your own pace. There is no live coaching or support - though this course was run live, so you will receive great insight from questions the participants have asked in the replays.

  • You will have lifetime access to the course, so you will be able to come back, repeat modules or the whole thing as you desire.

  • Refunds are not offered. There are rare circumstances where something is just not a good fit, or extreme life events happen, and in those times contracts can sometimes be ended early, at my discretion.