Expanding Capacity

A 6-Week ‘Rapid Expander’ Deep Dive to Expand Your Ability to Hold It All & Bring More Calm, Creativity, Joy and Resilience into Your Life and Business

Leading & managing yourself and others, in parenting, life, business and relationships can feel like a lot…

It can feel like there’s never enough time, energy or money to do all the things we need to, let alone adding more, bigger, dreamier dreams and goals to what’s already on your plate.

When you have limited capacity, it can feel like one area of your life starts going really well as you pour your love and attention into it - but then other areas of life start to fray at the edges. There’s never enough of YOU to go around.

You might be succeeding in business, and it feels great - but then your partner starts giving you the cold shoulder because you’ve postponed date night 8 times, or you’re missing all the kids sports meets and waving them away when they want to play a board game…

Or you’re rocking at business and at your home life, but you start to notice the weeds in the garden taking over, the laundry baskets overflowing, and you realize that you haven’t worked out or done something just for you in weeks (or months)…

Or you might find you’re winning at tending to your friendships, dating up a storm, traveling the world, thoroughly enjoying your life - but you start to feel overwhelmed by your business, by all the responsibilities you hold, and trying to scramble and catch up again on all the “adulting” starts to feel like too much…

With limited capacity - expanding in one area of life means you contract in another - because you don’t have the space for everything.

Sounds normal, and like something we all deal with, right? It is, absolutely. But it also doesn’t have to be this way.

Through a mix of simple tools, lessons, and integration steps, we can steadily increase our capacity to hold more and more in our lives.

What if expansion in one area meant expansion in ALL areas? What if you had room for all of it to flow and grow all at the same time?

You’ve got a lot on your plate - but…

What if your plate could get bigger?

What if you could expand the amount that you are able to hold (both the good and the challenging), with ease, with simple and doable practices?

What if you knew you could trust yourself, your skills, your intuition, your resiliency, your ability to navigate hard things?

What if you knew, deep down at your core, that everything would always ultimately be okay?

Well… “That would be nice,” you might be muttering.

And you might think that that is impossible… but it’s absolutely NOT.

I’m here to show you that you can expand your capacity, and that you can do so in just six week’s time.

We usually think the problem is outside of us


When we feel overwhelmed - our mind looks for solutions to the problems around us, and spins, and spins, and spins.

When you’re overloaded, tired, frustrated - never feeling like you’ve done enough, overwhelmed with how many directions you’re pulled in, or with the expansion of your life and business, it’s easy to retreat into your head, but the answer isn’t there.

I know your brain is telling you that there isn’t enough time and money and energy available to you, and the only way to fix that is to go and spend MORE time and money and energy that you don’t have on things like new information, courses, systems, self-care activities, vacations, more team…

And sure, some of these might do the trick in the short term. They might provide temporary relief, and a momentary reset.

But to truly break the cycle of trying to simply ‘manage’ - and instead start to create more lasting balance, peace and ease - the answer is really INSIDE of you- and it’s about expanding how much you can actually hold.

Life doesn’t have to FEEL so overwhelming.
Simple practices can change your entire reality.

You don’t need a plan or less to do; You need Expanded Capacity


Capacity is what gives you…

The courage to take the leap and push to your next expanded edge.

The ability to vulnerably show up and connect.

The honesty to be real about what you want and how you want to do it.

Boundaries — with yourself and others.


Emotional Regulation.

Grounded Confidence.

The ability to truly hold it all - your life, your relationships, your work, and yourself.

Having Expanded Capacity looks like…

  • Leaning into joy, happiness, hope, and possibility, and knowing that you can stretch towards more of what you desire, without feeling like it will take you out

  • Being present in your body, expanding your capacity to receive, to hold yourself, and to hold others in your life

  • Spending more quality time with the people you love

  • Having a calmness, a strength, that allows you to see more possibilities and optionscentered

  • Feeling settled and grounded in a reality of possibility that you can move towards, rather than spinning in potentiality, worry, anxiety and heaviness

  • Being in your pleasure and having the impact you desire in your life, business, and relationships

  • Knowing you can face anything that comes up in life without fear of “negative” emotions taking you out of who you want to be and what you want to accomplish

  • Flipping negative voices and limiting beliefs in your head into healthier stories that create possibility and empowerment

  • Using your head to solve logistical problems in a calm, centered manner (rather than spinning endlessly on problems)

  • When something unexpected comes up, you process through those emotions quickly, release them, reframe them in positive helpful ways, then create a new plan and get back into action

I’m Jen, and I’m an Emotional Mastery & Leadership Coach

I like to say I help people step into their “If I ever win the lottery” life, without ever needing a winning lottery ticket.

I help people expand their ability to hold their emotions and feel safe in fully feeling all the feels, so they can let in all the good in life and feel confident in their ability to handle any challenges, disappointments, or heartbreaks — because limiting beliefs, old traumas, and fear of loss and failure is what keeps most people from chasing after the life they truly want, whether that’s the dream business, relationship, or lifestyle, or all of the above — and that breaks my heart.

My coaching is trauma-informed and based in person-centered and somatic experiencing models. I have a Masters in Science in Clinical Counseling and a certification in somatic coaching and leadership, and combine my extensive training with a lot of real-life experience in life and business to deliver firm but gentle coaching that is always based in love and compassion — with a solid backbone of truth.

Jen Underwood

What You Can Expect from Expanding Capacity


Expanding Capacity is a ‘rapid expander’ course that can create a huge impact in your life with gentle, integrated practices, teachings, and action steps.

Over the course of six weeks, there will be six modules of teachings on nervous system regulation, integrated mindset, emotional mastery, boundaries, and how to put everything together to create substantial change in your life, delivered via audio podcast style through our teaching platform, for you to listen to as you go.

Then, each week, we will meet twice live via Zoom; once for an hour long embodiment practice call, and once for a group coaching call.

Through our embodiment work, you will find a space of acceptance - when we move the energy out of our body we feel settled and it expands our capacity to be okay with what’s going on, and accepting the reality rather than trying to change it.

Through the calls, practices and teachings, you will learn to build awareness of what is truly going on for you, how to acknowledge and accept it, and in our coaching time together, you will integrate, learn to apply the insight to your own life, and get back into action.

The Program Details:

  • Starts January 8th - Ends February 14th

  • 6 weeks

  • 2 live calls per week - 1 hour each:

    • Somatic Practice Call - Mondays at 12:00pm PT // 3:00pm ET

    • Coaching Call - Wednesdays at 12:00pm PT // 3:00pm ET

    • Replays will be available

  • Recorded lessons audio podcast style + Journaling prompts

  • Telegram Channel

“Can you teach me how to hold that much goodness?”

The answer: YES!

I can teach you to let in all that good, to celebrate, to step into the light, and how to find the audacity it takes to stay there. I’ll remind you that you can do this, that you can push your edges, that you can hold it all — the highest highs and the lowest lows, the good and the bad.

The knowledge, awareness techniques and embodied integration I share with you through this program will take this out of the abstract and get it into your body, expanding your capacity to receive, to hold yourself, and to hold others.

Knowledge + Awareness + Embodied Integration =

Expanded Capacity

Are you ready to expand your capacity to hold more, receive more, and create more?

Expanding Capacity


Standard Pricing



Have questions about the program? Email us at Jen@JenUnderwoodLeadership.com and we would be happy to answer any questions you have before purchasing.