Emotional Leadership


A trauma-informed, personal development program to create emotional resilience and embody a new depth of self-leadership, characterized by transparency, integrity, strength, and advanced awareness of yourself & others


Welcome to the Emotional Leadership personal development program for anyone who wants to learn how to skillfully and effectively lead themselves and others as one of the best leaders in the world.


You want to make a positive difference in the lives of others…while feeling nourished and in integrity with your values as you do it.

But what does that even mean? And how do you hold yourself fully while you hold everyone else, when everyone is so different from each other and have so many conflicting needs?

You may have heard that in order to be a great leader, you need to be strong, to keep it together, to project a sense of confidence, to hide your emotions and anything personal about yourself in order to stay in control.

You may have heard some of the buzz about being trauma-informed, sensitive to others, and have taken some trainings so that you understand others and their differences better.

You may have done endless trainings already to gain additional skills, and so much personal work to understand yourself better. You want to be a good leader, and have done everything you know to help you be so.


So what makes this certification program so different than every other thing out there? Let us explain…

I know you didn’t step into leadership to purposefully work yourself or others ragged, to end up overworked and underpaid, burnt out, or disappointed with the kind of impact you’re having.

Too often, deeply caring, well-meaning, highly educated people are left with fragmented abilities that express themselves in problematic ways - at home, at work, and everywhere else.

Their decisions cost money, time, resources, human well-being, and make everything harder than it needs to be - for everyone.

You want to lead with a deep understanding of humans in a way that honors their well-being and yours.

  • You desire to lead in a way that doesn’t compromise your joy or integrity.

  • You want to inspire others and make them feel valued and empowered under your guidance.

  • You want to have the courage to ask for what you want and feel inherently worthy of receiving it.

  • You want to lead a life that feels purposeful, aligned, and full of pleasure.

  • You want to set an example of what is possible in this lifetime and give everyone around you permission to reach for the same.


But it’s difficult to find a place that equips you with the holistic skills you need to actually do that.

The Emotional Leadership Certification is that place.

In it, you will learn advanced trauma and interpersonal skills that go beyond what is offered in masters level clinical programs, helping you to deeply understand yourself and others so that you can stay in your leadership.

You’ll dive deep into skills and advanced awareness of communication, conflict resolution, and boundaries, so that your leadership feels better for you and for others.

And you will practice a new kind of strength, one that is centered in transparency and vulnerability, stepping between client and coach, doing your own inner work while you hold others in doing theirs.

There is absolutely nothing like this program anywhere else. We know, because we built it to instill and integrate the teachings that we learned over two decades and in hundreds of workshops and trainings.

The teachings in the Emotional Leadership Certification Program will help you cut through years of trial-and-error. With this program, you don’t have to go through the process of piecing all the fragmented knowledge together by yourself.

Learning to confidently respond to life, work, and other humans from a place of emotional leadership will transform how you feel about yourself and others in all situations, even the most difficult leadership challenges.

It will have you responding to the most challenging of situations in new ways, centered, grounded, and in command of every situation.

We don’t just do this work for others. We also do it for ourselves. The skills and level of emotional mastery you learn in this program will make you rich in all the resources that matter:

Money, time, energy, joy, peace of mind, connection, impact, confidence.

Many people think that the skills of emotional leadership are simply “nice to have” and wonder if it will actually help them make more money or reach their goals.

The truth is, there is not one area of your life that will not be radically improved by learning and applying what we teach in this program.

Acting from your trauma patterns and strategies causes you to be more invested in staying safe and playing small. This means that you won’t feel able to take the risks that would end up making you happier, healthier, richer, and more free.

When you’re in your emotional leadership, however, you’ll have the ability to tune into a strong sense of internal safety that allows you to choose growth and the risks that come with it.

This is why you’ll be able to reach your desired outcomes many, many times faster, and collapse the time it takes for you to experience everything you want.

After this certification program, you’ll walk away feeling confident, grounded, and able to hold safe space for yourself and others - no matter what, in any situation.

You’ll know how to balance compassion and truth, take care of yourself just as much as you take care of others, and feel plugged into a sense of purpose, joy, and inspiration that exudes outward - not just in business, but in life.

With the Emotional Leadership Certification you’ll learn how to elevate your leadership style and turn harmful leadership expressions into healthy ones.


Before & After Emotional Resilience Work

  • Before emotional resilience work...

    • Not being aware of your own trauma expressions or patterns, and believing that leadership skills are something you can check off of your personal development to-do list once.

    • Taking radical responsibility too far and not taking care of yourself because you consistently put others and your work before your own well-being.

    • Letting people do whatever they want, being too compassionate, and enabling problematic behavior due to a lack of boundaries.

    • Blaming others and making a problem about who they are as people.

    • Responding to conflict with aversion, people-pleasing /fawn responses, lying, or being out of integrity with your values, because you’re afraid of the other person’s repsonse.

  • Before emotional resilience work...

    • Being skilled at holding a safe space for people 1:1, but unable to apply those leadership abilities across all other areas of life.

    • Accepting systems of trauma (e.g. racism, sexism, ableism) as “how things are”, without challenging them in yourself and/or others.

    • Using emotions, vulnerability, fear, or intimidation tactics to coerce and manipulate people into doing what you want.

    • Feeling terrified that someone will cry, get angry at you, or have any kind of a big emotional response in front of you, because you don’t know how to respond.

    • Holding strict and rigid professional boundaries without having any compassion or awareness for another person’s humanity.

  • After emotional resilience work...

    • Making it a self-motivated habit to check in with your our emotions, trauma expressions, biases, triggers and limitations.

    • Prioritizing rest and self-care and building an environment of support that you can rely on and delegate to.

    • Holding a skillful balance between compassion and a possibly uncomfortable truth that requires hard decisions and conversations.

    • Upholding your own values and ethics within the professional values and ethics of your work, while helping others navigate their own emotional dysregulation and centering their humanness.

    • Facing hard conversations head-on and authentically and vulnerably sharing your truth from a grounded and centered place.

  • After emotional resilience work...

    • Bringing your healthy leadership skills into all of the systems you live within, while building them into the systems you are creating.

    • Noticing when someone else is in their trauma patterns and strategies and lovingly pointing it out from a boundaried place.

    • Bravely looking at the bigger picture of what’s going on in the systems that are in place and knowing that you can’t lead individuals without awareness of the systems they are living in.

    • Effectively using communication to steward others towards a common goal and knowing how to make people feel safe, seen, and heard in the process.

    • Gracefully holding space for another person’s emotional response and supporting them in expressing their internal experience, while staying grounded in your compassion and your truth.

If you’re feeing a little called out with any of the above examples… don’t.

Being an effective leader is not about being perfect. We all have areas that we can improve in.

Being an effective leader is about

the willingness to do the important internal work of understanding your own processes and limitations, and to step into the desire to constantly improve, to do better.

So if you saw yourself in any of those examples, great! Awareness starts with the ability to be honest with where you are now, and the commitment to do better.

Let’s have a look at examples of how you might respond before Emotional Leadership, and how you might respond after…

  • Dealing With a Tight Deadline...

    Situation: Your boss, client, or your own sense of ambition and drive insist that work has to be done by a certain deadline. You know it would be a huge stretch to do it in that time, and would require you to sacrifice time in other important areas of your life, work non-stop, or can only get done if everything goes perfectly right.

    Harmful expression: You say yes, either from a sense of responsibility or because you love being pushed and are confident you can get it done. Maybe you do, maybe you don’t — but your work and nervous system suffer, and you end up exhausted, resentful, and/or having to face the fact that you couldn’t complete it in time, breaking trust with others and/or yourself.

    Healthy Expression: You pull back and look at if you can truly get the project done in time without sacrificing your boundaries and self-care. Even if you decide you want to ambitiously take it on, you let people know that it’s a stretch and create a plan proactively for what will be done if you can’t hit the deadline.

  • Receiving Challenging Feedback...

    Situation: Someone under your leadership is hurt, angry, or feels as if you have harmed them. They come to you with a grievance, and insist that you do something about it — immediately.

    Harmful expression: You react impulsively. You tell the person that you’re horrified, that of course they are right and you are wrong and that you’ll do anything to make it better (even if you don’t believe you did anything wrong) — or, alternatively, you tell them to fuck off (maybe not in those words). You may not think you did anything wrong either way, but regardless, you try to shut down the conversation as quickly as possible, and then attempt to ignore the ways it impacts your relationship going forward.

    Healthy Expression: You know that nothing is an emergency and take time to respond. You reflect that you hear them and make space for their feelings - and you also explore what’s true for you. You don’t automatically accept/apologize for things you don’t think were actually harmful, but you look at each thing with curiosity and explore if you could do better.

  • Letting Fear Take the Wheel...

    Situation: You are unhappy with the work you are doing, or don’t feel valued and compensated in a truly supportive way for the time, effort, and energy you put into it. You want more - but you hear a lot of voices in your head saying that it’s not possible to do the work you truly want to do / charge what you want to charge for it.

    Harmful expression: You let the fear take the wheel. You continue work you don’t love, or accept less in payment than would feel truly equitable and supportive. You tell yourself you have no choice, while resentment and unhappiness grows. You may pay your team less than they deserve in response, constantly spin in a cycle of over-doing and over-giving, or check out completely.

    Healthy Expression: You take an honest look at what’s happening, and do something to shift it into alignment. You get support to help with the emotional regulation of facing fears and the mindset blocks of limiting beliefs. You know that if it isn’t working for you, it isn’t working for anyone else, and you do the work to create shifts that become win-wins for everyone involved.

Sound like a program you want to learn more about?

Elevate your leadership style and lead with confidence, compassion, and a bigger vision of what is possible when we center each other’s humanness. For 12 months, learn the emotional leadership skills and strategies you need and consistently apply and integrate what you learn in small group sessions, self-study, and supervised training sessions.

This program will make sure that you don’t simply know how you would like to show up as a leader, but that you actually have the ability to do it.

Logistics: The Emotional Leadership Certification
at a glance

Phase 1:

Understanding Humans and Emotions

[5 months]


In this phase of program, we cover everything you’d learn in a trauma-informed certification + a whole lot more that you won’t find anywhere else, helping you make sense of the things people do that maybe never made any sense before, and showing you how to coach people through their blocks and shift patterns, leading them from a place of compassion and awareness while building self-awareness of your own blocks and patterns.

You will learn to…

  • Recognize trauma responses and the ways in which they express themselves in behaviors, actions, and thoughts.

  • Understand the importance of emotional regulation and how to effectively regulate yourself and others in challenging and overwhelming situations.

  • Expand your somatic knowledge & skills and how to use them to support yourself and others.

  • Understand where emotions are located and how they lead your brain to create stories that cause you to interact with the world in problematic ways.

  • Perceive humans in terms of their emotions, thought processes, and how these two play out in the world and in their bodies.

Phase 2:

Navigating Conflict and Communication

[5 months]


For this phase of the certification program we cover the topics of healthy boundaries, core human needs, effective communication techniques to increase understanding, the balance of truth and compassion, how to handle conflict of all kinds in leadership, and how all of this interplays with everything we learned about emotions and trauma.

You will learn to…

  • Build the capacity for authentic self-expression and vulnerable leadership.

  • Appropriately speak your truth and authentically show up as yourself while staying in your role as a leader.

  • Understand your own conflict styles, what happens for you when you are triggered, and how to stay in healthy leadership when that happens.

  • Recognize how others are showing up and help them emotionally regulate and express themselves in a healthy way.

  • Maintain the ability to understand and make yourself understood during conflict situations that are triggering.

Phase 3:

Personal Integrity, Ethics, and Creating Systems for Healthy Leadership

[2 months]


In this phase of the certification program we focus on integrating the previous 10 months and how to apply your learning to all areas of your life ethically and with integrity.

You will learn to…

  • Make aligned decisions for yourself, your business, or your career, and help others do the same.

  • Operate within systems that are already in place and maintain your healthy emotional leadership style.

  • Create a culture and systems that are centered in emotional leadership, holistic awareness, and a deep understanding of humans (this is especially important for entrepreneurs who build this from scratch).

  • Handle repair processes when you mess up (and we all do!) so that even when you step out of integrity, you can step back in and hold yourself and others through the process.

  • Create a code of ethics for yourself - a way to guide your own leadership and stay in your truth and integrity, regardless of what might be happening outside of you.


3 Key Tenants Every Leader Needs


Every leader needs to be able to teach, coach, and facilitate space for others, know when to use each tool, and how to switch between them seamlessly and effectively.

This is true whether you have your own business, work as a coach, or whether you work for someone else in a totally unrelated field.

You cannot lead without being able to positively influence those you lead - and you need these skills to do that.

That’s why this program will show you how to do all three.


Know when to pause and explain something, whether that’s a concept, relevant history or information, the background behind why you’re making your decisions or saying what you’re saying.


Deeply understand humans and learn how to ask the right questions to help them understand themselves.


Skillfully create experiential spaces for yourself and others with clear expectations, rules, consent, and safe boundaries. Learn how to help other people emotionally regulate and know what to do in any kind of situation that comes up.

What Your Learning Experience Will Look Like-
In Detail…

Throughout our 12 months together, you will laugh, you may cry, and you’ll likely have a few moments where you take a deep breath and feel a little overwhelmed by how the teachings stretch you.

This is a rich, deep experiential training program specifically formulated to stretch you, but also to hold you in the stretch. We move through a very specific model, learning a concept, learning a skill that helps to embody that concept, practicing that skill, and then integrating with coaching calls.

Throughout the program, we have regular integration periods to help you integrate the learnings, practice the skills, and put these into practice in your business and your life, as well as a Slack channel for connection and two in person events to help to foster and build community and connection along the way.

Teaching Schedule

Our Teaching Schedule over the course of our 12 months together is structured in blocks of 6 Weeks.

Each 6-Week Block consists of 2 x 2-Week Modules, followed by a 2 Week Integration Period.


2-Week Live Teaching Modules and 2-Week Integration Period Schedules are structured as follows:

2-Week Live Teaching Module Schedule:


TUESDAY 9 - 10:30AM PST:


Learn the fundamental concepts of the unit, preparing you to understand fully what is happening and why, both in yourself and in others.

FRIDAY 9 - 10:30AM PST:


Learn a foundation coaching or facilitation tool that will help you when you are leading someone who is struggling with an aspect of the concept we learned.


TUESDAY 9 - 10:30AM PST:


Apply the skill you learned live, practicing with your peers as you lead each other through the exercise, allowing you to do your own personal work while also strengthening your leadership.

FRIDAY 9 - 10:30AM PST:


Get support. This is the space for you to ask questions and receive personalized coaching for your unique situation, concerns, or blocks.

2-Week Integration Period Schedule:


TUESDAY 9 - 10:30AM PST:


FRIDAY 9 - 10:30AM PST:



TUESDAY 9 - 10:30AM PST:


FRIDAY 9 - 10:30AM PST:


Teaching Modules

(Click to expand to read the concepts and see the dates for each module)

  • April 11th & 12th 2023

  • 16th April - 13th May 2023

    1. 3 Voices; The Selves

    2. The Body Knows

  • 14th - 27th May 2023

    2-Week Integration Period

  • 30th May - 24th June 2023

    3. Aspects of Self

    4. Truth and Compassion

  • 26th June - 7th July 2023

    2-Week Integration Period

  • 10th Jul - 4th Aug 2023

    5. Inflated / Deflated Ego

    6. Wounds, Agendas and Conscious Choice

  • 7th - 18th Aug 2023

    2-Week Integration Period

  • 21st Aug - 15th Sept 2023

    7. How Strategies Impact Our Nervous System & Systems of Trauma

    8. Role Vs. Identity

  • 18th -28th Sept 2023

    2 Week Integration Period

  • 29th Sept - 2nd Oct 2023

    • Building Container

    • Flow/Emotional Arc

  • 2nd - 13th Oct 2023

    2-Week Integration Period

  • 16th Oct - 10th Nov 2023

    9. Non-Violent Communication 1

    10. Non-Violent Communication 2

  • 12th - 24th Nov 2023

    2-Week Integration Period

  • 27th Nov - 23rd Dec 2023

    11. Self-Responsibility & Ownership

    12. Dual Relationships

  • 25th Dec 2023 - 6th Jan 2024

    OFF - No Sessions

  • 8th Jan - 2nd Feb 2024

    13. Somatic Facilitation & Safety

    14. Ethics & Standards

  • 5th - 16th Feb 2024

    2-Week Integration Period

  • 17th - 22nd Feb 2024

  • 26th Feb - 8th Mar 2024

    OFF - No Sessions

  • 11th - 22nd Mar 2024

    Closing & Integration Calls with Jen & Tim

Virtual & In-Person Retreats

There are three retreats planned for this program:


1) VIRTUAL: APRIL 11TH & 12TH 2023 - 9AM - 12PM PST

| The first retreat will be the kick-off event for the certification program.

This time is designed to set expectations, boundaries, and let everyone get to know each other.

We’ll jump right in with some basic core concepts and skills, and make sure you have a vision of what you want to receive from this program.

2) IN-PERSON: SEPT 29TH - OCT 2ND 2023

| The second retreat will take place around the half-way mark, in Denver, Colorado.

  • 1 x Session Friday 29th Sept 2023

  • 2 x Sessions Saturday 30th Sept 2023

  • 2 x Sessions Sunday 1st Oct 2023

  • 1 x Session Monday 2nd Oct 2023

We’ll do a deeper exploration and practice of skills we’ve learned, dive into facilitation skills, connect more intimately as a group, and set our intentions for the second half of the program.

Some meals are included, students book their own accommodations

3) IN-PERSON: FEB 17TH - 22ND 2024

| The third retreat will take place at the end of the program in Mexico (exact location TBD).

We will spend an entire week going over everything you’ve learned, fine-tuning how to apply it to your individual situations, and addressing any blind-spots or questions. We’ll get to dive into more niche topics with breakout events, like business building, healing money stories, trauma resolution, and visioning into the future.

And: We will have all this time to be present with each other, share good food, laugh and cry, and celebrate what we already know will be a powerful year of transformation and expansion.

Food and accommodations included

If you are unable to attend any retreat live, there will be some virtual components you can still attend online

Commonly Asked Questions About the Learning Experience

(Click to expand)

  • On average, you should expect to spend 3-4 hours a week learning, integrating, and practicing this information.

  • All live classes are recorded and made available to you to watch later.

    While you don’t have to attend all classes, it’s important that your prioritize workshop classes. These are the sessions where you get to practice the skills you need and that connect you with the other people in the group. To receive certification, you have to have watched all modules live or recorded, and have all skills checked off through approved channels if you miss live workshops.

  • This is a high-touch and comprehensive program. You will be supported by me, a talented co-facilitator, a business support coach, a student coordinator, and peer accountability groups.

  • There will be a Slack channel for communication within the group and to help keep you connected to everything that is going on within the program.

Meet Your Facilitators

Jen Underwood; Emotional Mastery Coach…

Jen is an ex-therapist turned facilitator and coach. She combines her extensive training and real-life experience in life and business to deliver firm but gentle mentorship that is always based in love and compassion — with a solid backbone of truth.

Jen is a trauma-trained specialist, and has spent over a decade working with some of the most traumatized people on the planet. Now, in Emotional Leadership, she uses this on the ground experience and her wide range of professional and academic trainings, including a double Masters in Science in Clinical Counseling and Addiction Studies, years of advanced PhD coursework in Leadership, and a Coaching Certification in Somatic Coaching & Leadership, to offer dynamic teachings of concepts and skills and hold students in the process of doing their own development and leadership work.

The thing she cares the most about is helping others to help others while not causing suffering to themselves in the process - something that she had to learn how to do herself.

She lives in Denver, Colorado with her teenager daughter, and when she’s not teaching and coaching, is an active writer and speaker, always continuing to further develop her own leadership and learning.

Tim DeSutter; Vibrational Wellness Coach…

Tim has a wide experience of leadership. He has been studying trauma and vibrational wellness for over 25 years and is a master level coach, teacher, and facilitator. He left a Fortune 100 corporation and a high level sales and leadership position in 2014, and has faced the challenges of leadership both in large corporate spaces and in building and holding his own business.

Tim specializes in working with people who coach and lead others, helping them expand the impact and quality of their work by clearing trauma patterns, expanding emotional capacity, holding energetic boundaries, and helping them uncover their unique magic and leadership gifts while staying in the power of their integrity and personal sovereignty.

A world traveler, Tim has a global client base and has facilitated workshops around the world. He believes strongly in the power of mind body medicine and the connections between thoughts, emotions, and wellness, and brings into the container the extra awareness around our energetic bodies and how that impacts our leadership.

What Participants Are Saying…

This program has also brought me new ways of being. With clients, I now have a broader spectrum of tools to work with. I can better stay in my role and deftly respond to their needs. I can better discern what is mine from others. With my marketing, I can now open up publicly in ways that help folks to know me better, and to know what I offer professionally. It has given me an expanded awareness of what Leadership truly is.

- Jenevie -

Emotional Leadership has helped me to feel more grounded. I have many more tools at my disposal for helping overcome difficult situations. Rather than falling into a trauma response, I am able to drop into my body more easily and focus my curiosity on the discomfort to help me process what is going on in my world and why it happened. As a result, I have been able to gain better clarity around my business and establish more healthy boundaries around my work and in my home.

- Rob -

Emotional Leadership is the program pretty much everyone needs - especially as a facilitator/coach, but even as a day to day human. We learned essential skills in navigating our thoughts and emotions holistically, went through practices/deep transformations ourselves, and learned the practical skills to hold a safe and effective space. I feel more competent in holding space for clients, and now have many more skills I can use and deepen in myself.

- Habekkah -

Emotional Leadership is by far the most in-depth and well-rounded coach training program I've ever experienced (I currently hold 5 other certifications) and is the best foundation for becoming a coach. As an experienced coach, it's been hugely impactful for deepening & enriching my current skillset.

- Haley -

If you’re feeling called to join the Emotional Leadership Program and you’re ready to do the work, DO IT. DON’T DELAY. It’s one of the single best decisions I’ve ever made, both for my own healing and my leadership in all ways.

- Julie -

In Emotional Leadership I’ve conceived of bigger dreams, can hold space for them, and bring myself to them in ever more meaningful ways. I’m in awe that I comfortably identify myself as a business owner and leader where I hadn’t before. EL has helped me to lean in. It’s been an ideal program for me in terms of mentorship, content, and format. It's been an ideal program for me in terms of content and format.

- Inger -

Why we had to create this program…

As a high school teacher in gang-centered areas and as a social worker and clinical counsellor for physically disabled, mentally ill, and chronically addicted homeless adults, Jen has worked with some of the most traumatized humans on this planet.

What she observed and realized during that time – and now sees everywhere in business and life – is that many people in helping professions and leadership positions receive guidelines and a strong foundation in ethics around how you should or shouldn’t act within the profession to avoid doing harm….but not enough tools are taught to help people understand the ways to not just avoid trauma but to manage how our own trauma expresses itself.

This results in good people who want to be healing and helping others but who end up hurting not only their clients, but hurting themselves, their families, their businesses, and everyone who works for them and with them.


When it was time to develop this training, Jen reached out to one of her most valued friends and mentors, Tim, to help develop it and hold it with her.


Tim had similar experiences throughout his several decades of business and personal development experience, watching unethical and harmful behaviors in the corporate settings he worked in, and suffering breakdowns with mentors as he did more personal development work.

Jen knew Tim’s past, and his personal commitment to integrity, ethics, and leadership.

They had already worked together for years, supporting each other in each other’s separate business and personal growth journeys — and knew that Tim’s additional knowledge, expertise, and skills would greatly benefit the container and all the students in it.

Together, they developed the curriculum for Emotional Leadership, building each module so that it stacks one upon another, and watched the students that first year flourish.

Their shared commitment to a high level of professional skills and personal integrity is the bedrock of Emotional Leadership, that is further enriched by their commitment to transparency with each other and their students. As best friends, business partners, practitioners that hold each other as clients, and now co-facilitators in Emotional Leadership, they walk the talk every day of what they teach their students, in and outside of class.

It is their greatest honor to help others develop their leadership and watch those leaders put their unique gifts into the world, powerfully and authentically.

What Does It Mean To Be Certified as an Emotional Leadership Graduate?

To be considered “Certified” you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • You must have been present for, or have watched (through the Thinkific portal) all of the teaching modules

  • You must have completed 20 hours of logged practice outside of class (with a partner and/or through skill practices — consisting of 10 hours as the coach and 10 hours as the client

  • You must have either:

    • Have been present for at least 50% of all workshops

    • OR have completed an additional 20 hours of logged practice outside of class (consisting of 10 hours as the coach & 10 hours as the client)

  • You must have completed and submitted your Final Project:

    • You will be required to answer a series of questions designed to show your understanding and knowledge of the course content.

    • You may choose to submit your Final Project via video or email, which will be reviewed for approval.

  • To be featured on website as an Emotional Leadership Coach/Facilitator, you will need to formally agree to the Code of Ethics and Agreements


Are you ready to claim your spot, and join us in this Emotional Leadership journey in 2023?

The Emotional Leadership Certification

The 2023/2024 Cohort is now in session.

Details coming soon for 2024/2025!

Sign up below to be the first to know.

Leadership is work that does not end… but what if, you never wanted it to?

Still have questions, or not sure if this is right for you?

Let’s talk. We are happy to answer any questions, talk about your specific circumstances, discuss any concerns that might be coming up, and help you discern if this program is a good fit for you.

Send us an email at jen@jenunderwoodleadership.com

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All Emotional Leadership graduates will be added to a directory on The Emotional Mastery website. You will also receive priority referrals from those looking for coaching in The Emotional Mastery world.

  • Calls are Tuesdays and Fridays at 9am Pacific Time, and will last for 90 minutes.

    All calls will be recorded and uploaded in Thinkific, available to watch later.

  • Refer to the certification section of this webpage for all the details - link is above.

  • Leadership is not a title that needs to officially be given to you. For this certification, many types of leaders are invited. Leaders of families, people with leadership positions within companies, entrepreneurs, etc.. If you guide and support people in any capacity, you are a leader.

  • The certification program will begin in April and last for 12 months.

  • This is a high touch container with all teachings delivered live. Within each module (which are 2 weeks long), there are two teaching/training calls, a workshop call for you to practice the skills you have learned, and one group coaching call where Jen + Tim will offer support around specific cases from life. During the workshop calls, your practice sessions will be supervised, and Jen + Tim will offer guidance and reflections to support your learning.

    You will be paired up with a peer support group, and will have access to a Slack channel for celebrations, logistics and connection with your peers.

    Jen will be on all calls (or nearly all), however it is important to recognize this is a teaching and experiential learning program for you to embrace the skills necessary to step into aligned Emotional Leadership. This is not a coaching container, and as such, there is no coaching offered outside of calls.

  • Commitments and consistency is what we build our businesses on. Upon registering, you will be sent a legal contract stipulating that no refunds are offered and you agree to pay in full regardless of outcome or a change in circumstances.

    There are rare circumstances where something is just not a good fit or extreme life events happen, and in those times, contracts sometimes can be ended early, at the company’s discretion.

    All other terminations will require a 50% pay in full buyout on the remaining due in the contract

  • You absolutely don’t need either one.

    This program will provide you with the leadership, coaching, facilitation, and teaching skills that will absolutely equip with the ability to create or grow your coaching business.

    The Emotional Leadership Certification is also applicable for people in any kind of management, entrepreneurs, or who simply want to know how to lead themselves or the people in their lives better (e.g. parents).

    You don’t have to have a background in coaching or a six-figure business - and you don’t have to want either of those for this program to work for you profoundly.

  • There are no prerequisites for doing this program.

    No matter where you are starting from, you can come in and have this program work for you.

    That being said, the one requirement is that you join with curiosity and courage. You do need to be willing to come in and look at yourself, your patterns, and the places in yourself that need to shift.

    You need to be able to have that curiosity for yourself and other people, and have the courage to be honest, vulnerable, and authentic.

    You don’t have to be 100% on either of those, it’s our job to support you in finding the safety that you need to be courageous and the grounding to be curious.

    You just have to be willing to let this program work for you.

  • Our first in person retreat is located in Denver, CO. We will have shared meals during the event, and food is included, but each student will be invited to book separate accommodations of their choice.

    For our second retreat, we will all stay together in a resort or airbnb in Mexico, and all food and accommodations will be included, with the possibility of upgrades if students desire single rooms, or the option to arrange your own accommodations and stay off site if that is preferred.