Leadership is work that does not ever end. What if you never wanted it to?


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The journey of cultivating your leadership will make you rich in all the resources that matter:

Money, time, energy, joy, peace of mind, connection, impact, confidence, purpose, and vision.

I firmly believe that this is true for every single leader, in any capacity, in any career, in any role: Learning to confidently respond to life, work, and other humans from a place of emotional leadership will transform everything, inside and out.

It is the ability that will help you close the gap between where you are now and how you hoped things would look like and feel like - in your professional roles, in your relationships, and in your life.

I like to say I help people step into their “If I ever win the lottery” life, without ever needing a winning lottery ticket.

We don’t need luck to prosper in wild satisfaction, happiness, and abundance in life and business — we need Emotional Mastery.

Why is my work different?

My coaching is trauma-informed and based in person-centered and somatic experiencing models. I have a double Masters in Science in Clinical Counseling and Addiction Studies, a certification in somatic coaching and leadership, and 15 years of experience working with some of the most traumatized populations on the planet. I combine my extensive training with a lot of real-life experience in life and business to deliver firm but gentle coaching that is always based in love and compassion — with a solid backbone of truth.

The core of my coaching is centered in emotional mastery work, and is done through the framework created and taught in the Emotional Leadership Certification Program.

Emotional Mastery is Made Up Of…

Holding Your Emotions

When you can fully feel your emotions, without running away from them, suppressing them, or numbing them, and know that you are still safe, you have learned how to hold yourself through all of life’s ups and downs.

Trauma Resolution

Old wounds hold old emotions and continue old patterns. When we release and resolve past hurts and pain, we allow for new possibilities to come forward, and create more space inside ourselves for internal safety, trust, and resilience.


Boundaries protect what is important to us. They allow us the space to hold ourselves with love, compassion, and understanding, to stand not just for what we need, but for what we deserve and for what we most desire in life.

Healthy Communication

Expressing ourselves clearly without over-explaining, blaming, judging, or confusion is the key to success in all areas in life — and it starts with simply getting clear with your own thoughts, emotions, desires, and needs.

Who am I, and How did I get here?

I’ve always been a leader, but emotional mastery is not something that came natural to me.

I used to run myself ragged trying to take care of everything and everyone, all the time. I felt like I had to achieve, like I had to constantly be in doing mode, like the whole world might crumble if I stopped trying to fix everything, if I ever put myself first…

I was so disconnected from my body, and my emotions — and you could see evidence of it everywhere in my life.

If you had asked me if I was happy, I probably would have said that I was, but in retrospect, I didn’t even know what happiness was. I was barely hanging on, moving through each day waiting until I could reach the glass of wine at the end of the night. Exhausted, burnt out, overwhelmed, I thought that this is just what life was — work, sleep, hustle, pay bills, clean the house, hang on for a few happy moments that shined through. Hang on, and wait… for what, I wasn't sure, but life had to get better at some point, right? Some day maybe, some magic moment would have to happen to suddenly bring some happiness and ease if I just… kept… working…

What I didn’t know then was that in so many ways, I was causing my own unhappiness and burn out, a victim to my own patterns. When I took my healing into my own hands and learned how to lead myself first, everything started to change…

What Clients Have Said…

Inner Trust + Awareness

My work with Jen has taught me how to turn inward instead of looking outward for the answers, and to trust myself even deeper than I did before. I have truly uncovered some of the most beautiful insights about myself and I feel so powerful and regulated because of it. I’ve learned that we might not be able to control what happens to us but being able to objectively look at how we respond has made me feel more powerful than ever before.

- Ashley Kruse -

Empowerment + Boundaries

Jen has helped me to feel more grounded. I have many more tools at my disposal for helping overcome difficult situations. Rather than falling into a trauma response, I am able to drop into my body more easily and focus my curiosity on the discomfort to help me process what is going on in my world and why it happened. As a result, I have been able to gain better clarity around my business and establish more healthy boundaries around my work and in my home.

- Rob Rubin -

Depth + Growth

I have focused the majority of the last decade on my inner work and personal growth, and had gotten relatively comfortable doing that type of work on myself, but Jen’s work has challenged me in all new ways that have been surprising and unexpected. Ultimately, I'm really grateful for the ways it's pushed the edges of my inner work comfort zone because it's shown a bright light on key areas I hadn't yet worked on that have created really powerful & positive shifts in my life and leadership.

- Haley Reese-

The Work is Never Done

After well over a decade of studying, learning, and doing my own work to be the best leader I can be, I can tell you right now… I’m not the expert. I am simply the trail guide. And like any good trail guide, I continue to walk this path, again and again and again. Each time, I notice new things. I get better at remembering where the dips in the trail lie, the pitfall and potholes that might trip me. I let the trail soak into my body a little more, knowing that next time, my steps upon it will be easier, more natural, more embodied.

This is what leadership is. It’s a commitment to work that never ends - and an acceptance of that. Good leaders never stop looking at where they can improve - not just in their skillset, but in how they hold themselves.

This is how I hold my own leadership. This is my commitment to you. And this is what I ask from everyone I work with.

If you are looking for next level mentorship and support, you can access my teachings in any numbers of ways, ranging from free to six-figure mentorship investments, with information on all offerings found here on the site. I hope you join me on this journey.

Start Your Emotional Mastery Journey Here…

Emotional Leadership Certification

A 12 month, 100 hour certification program for next-level leadership skills for corporate professionals, coaches, facilitators, and natural born leaders in any field.

The Things We Carry Podcast

Walking the talk of Emotional Leadership


Learn at your own pace, in your own time with self-study programs.

  • I feel like I am getting closer and closer to my own power source every day.

    “Since working with Jen, I have uncovered, and continue to uncover a lot of old and deeply rooted habits and behaviors that have been preventing me from being the person I want to be and achieving the things I want to achieve.

    I have been taking more and more responsibility for my reactions and behaviors. I'm gaining much more insight into my dark corners and the places where I go into and just spin and spin and spin. I'm slowly gaining clarity on what I allow verses what I choose.”

    - Sam Whitehouse -

  • I am so thankful to have had the privlege to be a part of one of Jen's groups

    “I would so highly recommend the beautiful, SAFE container that was created by Jen throughout our time together. There is nothing like having a solid community built on a solid foundation of trust, confidentiality and mutual admiration. There's also something so awesome about the accountability that was created as well-- the weekly check-ins, the coaching calls, the teaching calls. We all showed up for one another in really profound ways.

    Jen really helped me to see how I was being triggered by things that I did not have to be triggered by, and she offered me really concrete tools to be able to keep my blood pressure down and helped me direct my energy to things that matter. She has the incredible ability to see the whole picture and then really dial into the details and put her finger DIRECTLY over "the thing," whatever that thing is (she's done this for me several times, and blows my mind more and more each time)."

    - Meg Rector -

  • Profound breakthroughs often happen in very subtle ways.

    “Jen has a masterful understanding of how to listen in a way that she hears the truth that lays beneath an individual’s story. Her approach allows her clients to find their own strengths, in their own words. And that makes all the difference.

    Before working with Jen, things like posting on social media, sending emails, and creating coaching packages would often take me months, and I wasn’t really sure why. Now, things that once stopped me in my tracks have lost their power over me. Everything feels easier, and my business has dramatic improved.”

    - Tim DeSutter -